Custom CMS Website
Custom CMS
SARP offers you to have your own CMS which is designed developed by our experienced team. It is flexible, robust and vibrant. Most importantly, it will be customized according to your taste. We give first priority to your requirement, need and set of your customers. Functionality of the custom CMS varies and depends on your set of priorities. We care for your personal and professional feelings and our team keeps it in its mind while designing and developing your web outlook.
Generally, we use object oriented PHP, Java scripts, HTML5, CSS3, AJAX and Jquery. We follow trends to make ourselves updated in the field of technology.
Silent features of Custom CMS :
Quality :
The quality of that Custom CMS would be high and it would be comparable to the international market. Our incorporate every details and standards that make custom CMS out of box. We make any compromise with its quality and standard. We are highly committed to deliver efficient and cost-effective work.
Responsive Design :
Our team designs, such websites which are highly responsive. Responsive means the design would be adjustable with width of gadget screen in which viewer is viewing the website; it could be adjustable with the screen of Laptops, PCs, Tablets and smart phones as well. So, you don’t need to worry your about mobile website, one is proper for all.
Easily Manageable Backend :
We offer you a backend and that backend would be easily manageable. An admin can make any change what he wants to be reflected on website. The backend provides you a better and efficient control over your existing content and media.
Search Engine Optimized :
SARP serves you search engine optimized CMS. Even, we give your admin flexibility to change and set titles, URLs structures and META description. This all are integrated to admin backend.
Social Media Integration :
The social media age is around us; we cannot ignore its power. So, to make your business empowered, we connect website with your social media communities. We connects it with Facebook, twitter, G+, Pinterest, LinkedIn or any of your favorite social sites.
Google Analytics Integration :
We enable your admin to see, all analytics and reports at Admin home. Our team connects your admin home page with Google analytics that bring all analytics at your doorstep. No need to visit Google analytics at all.
Blog Integrated :
Our team can integrate your WordPress blog with your website. Your blog would be looking similar as your website. It will have same designed.
Build on Latest Technology :
We utilize latest technology cope up with the trends going on internet and web market.
We would highly recommend you to go for custom CMS. It is better, dependable, efficient, vibrant and cost-effective with prime blending of quality.