Static Website
Static Website
A static website is website whose content does not change for any visitor. In other words, the content of a particular website remains same and display the similar stuffs. To make a standard Static website, one should have the knowledge of HTML, CSS and Java script. These are the most basic and easiest website to create and build. It does not require any web programming (PHP, JSP and ASP.Net) or Database. It can be built by integrating some HTML pages together and hosting it on any web server.

Basically, static websites are the small websites to display static data. It does not contain any functionality. It is just created for maintain a branding for company, business or people. In other words, it works as our corporate identity with more information.
To change any contain, image or other stuffs, a website owner need a webmaster (if web site owner is not a webmaster) to change its data.
Advantages of static websites:
- Cost Effective in development
- Efficient and time Saving
- Cost Effective in Hosting